关于历史文化名城保护的外文文献有哪些?1、D.J.Timothy. Managing heritage and cultural tourism resources essays [J].Land use policy,2009(4):12052、Nick Marriner, Christophe Morhange. Under the city centre, the ancient harbour Tyre and Sidon: heritages to preserve[J]. Journal of cultural heritage 2005(6):183-1893、Les Secteur Sauvegardes. editions Villes Terrrtoires,19974、Sharon Zukin:cultural btrategie and urban identifies: Remaking public space. In New Yord, Cities in transformation-in cities, Avebury, p205.5、H.L.Gornham. Maintaining the Spirit of Place6、Philip Jodidio. Sir Norman Foster. taschen, 2001:747、Kenneth Powell.La Ville de Demain. Edition du Seuil, 2000:2348、Muriel Rosemberg. Le Marketing Urbain en Question. economica, 2000:89.