地贫基因检查不太清楚肝功能检查——LFT,也就是Liver Function TestS或者把liver换成Hepatic更正式两对半检查——是五项检查吧,five indicator test for Hepatitis B. 这五项分别是HBsAg-表面抗原, HBcAg(抗-HBc)-核心抗体, HBsAb (抗-HBs)-表面抗体, HBeAg-E抗原,HBeAb-E抗体。肾功能检查——Renal Function Tests
涉外护理的英文翻译Foreign nursing和Touches on foreign affairs nurses到底哪个对?我更倾向前一个,我认为应该是nursing concerning foreign affairs,‘concerning foreign affairs’做后置定语。。。
nurse 例句用法:1. 珍和玛丽是好朋友,前者是老师,后者是护士。Jane and Mary are good friends; the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse. 2. 她是一名助理护士。She is an auxiliary nurse. 3. 护士执行医生的命令。The nurse executed the doctor's orders. 4. 朱丽叶喊道:“马上就来,护士”。Anon, dear nurse, cried Juliet. 5. 无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital.wWw.lunwen.net.Cn中国论文网免费学术期刊论文发表,目录,论文查重入口,本科毕业论文怎么写,职称论文范文,论文摘要,论文文献资料,毕业论文格式,论文检测降重.