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Shuhai L, Zhonglin B. External detection of listed Companies' accounting fraud: Case studies based on breakpoint test[C]//E-Business and E-Government (ICEE), 2011 International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 1-4.如满意,望采纳,会议论文一篇


在我国众多企业中,财务造假是一种多发现象,对国家财政税收造成很多不良影响,已经成为困扰企业经营管理和社会正常秩序的一大难题。All the companies in our counrty, financial fraud is a multi-phenomenon. It has made many adverse effects on the state financial revenue and becomes a major problem which troubles the company management and the normal order of sociaty.因此研究企业财务造假的识别方法,对于加快现代企业制度建设,落实科学发展观,推进我国国民经济快速、稳健发展具有重要意义。So it is a great significance of studying corporate finacial fraud identification methods for speeding up the construction of a modern company system, the concept of scientific development , promoter our national economy fast and steady development.论文结合我国大多企业的实际财务造假案例情况,介绍了当今企业财务造假的基本形式和常用手段。This paper described the basic form and means of finacial fraud in companise nowadays, combining the actual situation of finacial fraud cases.论文由五部分组成,主要包括以下内容:Papers contains five parts, including the following:第一部分,概述企业财务造假的基本形式,以及选择不同造假形式的不同目的。The first part, an overview of the basic form of counterfeiting in corporate finance, as well as different fraud purposes of different forms.第二部分,基于不同的形式,了解运用哪些手段达到造假目的。The second part, based on different forms, to understand what means to use to achieve the purpose of fraud.第三部分,识别造假手段。The third part, means of identify the means of fraud.第四部分,提出防范。The fourth part, to guard against第五部分,全文结论,对论文主要内容进行总结。The fifth part, the conclusion of the paper summarized the main contents.

