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Improve the corporate governance law Under Chinese law, Abstract 1994 Old Law before the promulgation of China's corporate reform, mainly the government and enterprises around the relationship between the main line to start, the focus is to reduce the administrative process of enterprise development constraints, the enterprise into the market economy system. Therefore, the corporate governance structure with adequate attention is not legislation, the corresponding theory is slow, there are many problems in practice. 2005 New Law formulation process, the issue of corporate governance structure gradually and eventually cause the feedback to practice and theoretical study of the appropriate legislative attention, the new law revision process, not only the autonomy of enterprise management has been further enlarged, while governance structure for the company made three specifications: first, a sound board system, second, to strengthen the role of the board of supervisors, three executive Directors and Supervisors clear responsibilities and obligations. This article discusses the new Law based on the corporate governance structure for the law related to issues of legislation to improve and perfect suggestions for specific problems arise in practice, the choice of plans from different companies, dozens of fine control of the main a more comprehensive discussion of the angle of corporate governance under the framework of improving the existing views, and review of corporate governance legislation and practice of the development process of China's corporate governance structure to explore the future direction of legislation. This paper discusses the four parts. The first discusses the problem of corporate governance background, the agency cost theory of economics perspective of corporate governance and the importance of the need for legislation. Define the meaning of corporate governance structure, a clear concept of its upper and differences between corporate governance, limit the scope of this article. Analysis of internal corporate governance structure the relationship between the subject of rights, explain the legislation should follow the corporate governance principles. Meanwhile, in the end of the first part of our corporate governance structure of the legislation is reviewed and summarized. The second part discusses the types of companies under the common general model of corporate governance structure. Divided into four small forum for discussion, as a shareholder, board of directors, managers and supervisors. Select a dozen different angles, for the legislation in the area of ​​the company to start of imperfections, combined with modern enterprise system wide trends and practices in China, put forward a workable proposal amending the law of corporate governance structure. The third part is for the corporate governance of listed companies the unique structural features of suggestions for improvement. Dispersed ownership of listed companies as a public company, shareholders and more social influence of a large number of law for the governance structure of listed companies have higher requirements. This article focuses on two aspects: Independent Directors and Board Secretary of system problems, and discuss countermeasures. The fourth part is for the one-man company of the corporate governance structure. Because the production of one-man company to the traditional theory of the firm is a greater impact, this article will be included in the discussion. But I believe that one company is not now the mainstream of the company form of organization, fewer cases of the practice, but limited to the pen force and research, so this part of the study may be relatively simple. [Key words] Act improve the governance structure of law第三部分:Listed companies for the unique characteristics of corporate governance put forward suggestions for improvement. Dispersed ownership of listed companies as a public company, shareholders and more social influence of a large number of law for the governance structure of listed companies have higher requirements. This article focuses on two aspects: Independent Directors and Board Secretary of system problems, and discuss countermeasures.

Listed companies for the unique characteristics of corporate governance put forward suggestions for improvement. Dispersed ownership of listed companies as a public company, shareholders and more social influence of a large number of law for the governance structure of listed companies have higher requirements. This article focuses on two aspects: Independent Directors and Board Secretary of system problems, and discuss countermeasures.

